The Center of Spiritual Cultivation

The Center gathers seek spiritual wisdom meditate connect with others
The Center meets each month
on the 1st and 3rd Sundays
on Zoom
unless otherwise announced.
For information about coming programs
March 30th
from 10:30 AM until Noon
A Celebration of Spring
The Solarium in the Dollar Clubhouse
Rossmoor, Walnut Creek​

Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair
Join us for a “Celebration of Spring” with music, song, poetry, storytelling and a parade of flowers.
Leading the musical program, the solos, group singing, and a little dancing will be artists Patrice Haan, Margaret Davis and Kristoph Klover.

Join in the storytelling of Hans Christian Andersons’ wisdom story “There is a Difference” and learn of the perspectives of the Apple blossom, the Sunbeam and the Dandelions. You will be amazed!
For more information; Contact